COURT NO. 2 HON'BLE MR JUSTICE SATISH K.AGNIHOTRI HON'BLE MR JUSTICE M.M.SUNDRESH TO BE HEARD ON MONDAY THE 22ND DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2014 AT 10.30 A--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I.
The learned Advocates are informed that the matters once passed over would be called again before taking up final hearing cases in their respective categories. II. The learned Advocates are informed to file their affidavits and documents before the Registry with a due proof of service on the other side atleast three days prior to the date of hearing of the case. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR JUDGMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. WA.1037/2014 M/S.C.UMA CHENNAI (Service) N.R.R.ARUN NATARAJAN IN Permit the petitioner MP.4/2014 - DO -WP.22170/2014 M/S.DAKSHAYANI REDDY (Service) S.SUREKHA IN Permit the petitioner MP.4/2014 - DO -AND WA.1038/2014 AND For Stay MP.1/2014 - DO -AND For Injunction MP.2/2014 - DO -AND For Direction MP.3/2014 - DO -AND WA.707/2014 M/S.DAKSHAYANI REDDY WA.707/2014 (W.A.) S.SUREKHA ----------------R1. AND R2 SERVED ON 27/07/201 R1. THE STATE OF TAMIL NADU REP BY THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT.SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPT. C
The learned Advocates are informed that the matters once passed over would be called again before taking up final hearing cases in their respective categories. II. The learned Advocates are informed to file their affidavits and documents before the Registry with a due proof of service on the other side atleast three days prior to the date of hearing of the case. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FOR JUDGMENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. WA.1037/2014 M/S.C.UMA CHENNAI (Service) N.R.R.ARUN NATARAJAN IN Permit the petitioner MP.4/2014 - DO -WP.22170/2014 M/S.DAKSHAYANI REDDY (Service) S.SUREKHA IN Permit the petitioner MP.4/2014 - DO -AND WA.1038/2014 AND For Stay MP.1/2014 - DO -AND For Injunction MP.2/2014 - DO -AND For Direction MP.3/2014 - DO -AND WA.707/2014 M/S.DAKSHAYANI REDDY WA.707/2014 (W.A.) S.SUREKHA ----------------R1. AND R2 SERVED ON 27/07/201 R1. THE STATE OF TAMIL NADU REP BY THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT.SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPT. C
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